Travel Reimbursement
here for the hotel address, directions to the hotel, and advice on the best ways to travel to/from the airport and the hotel.
Workshop Travel Reimbursement Table
Due to limited workshop funds the following reimbursement schedule has been setup:
Method of Travel |
Workshop Reimburses |
Participant Pays |
Plane |
First $400 in Airfare Expenses |
Ground Transportation, Airport Parking, Baggage Fees, Airline Expenses > $400.
(Any residual workshop funds will be distributed to participants to help meet these expenses) |
Train |
First $400 in Train and Public Transportation Expenses |
Travel Expenses > $400.
(Any residual workshop funds will be distributed to participants to help meet these expenses) |
Automobile |
First $400 in Mileage Fees and Westin Parking Expenses |
Mileage and Parking Expenses > $400.
(Any residual workshop funds will be distributed to participants to help meet these expenses) |
Mass Transit |
First $50 in Mass Transit Fees |
Mast Transit Fees > $50.
(Any residual workshop funds will be distributed to participants to help meet these expenses) |
Reimbursement Procedures for those Traveling by Plane or Train
Accepted, domestic workshop participants wishing to fly or travel to the workshop by train should buy their own economy-class tickets at their earliest convenience using their personal credit cards. They should submit a copy of this economy class itinerary and their home address to for reimbursement processing as soon as possible and no later than August 1, 2013. This receipt should include the starting and return locations, the dates and times of travel, the total cost of the ticket, and evidence that the ticket was paid by the workshop participant. The SOFC-PPP workshop will pay the first $400 in airfare expenses, guaranteed. Ground transportation, airport parking, baggage fees, and airline expenses in excess of $400 are the responsibility of the participant. Residual workshop funds and/or additional funds from the ECS High Temperature Materials Division currently being sought by the workshop organizer will be used to help meet the cost of these additional expenses. Participants wishing to be reimbursed for ground transportation, airport parking, and baggage fees (in the event that additional workshop funds remain and/or support is secured from the ECS High Temperature Materials Division) should submit receipts for these expenses and their home address to for reimbursement processing no later than August 1, 2013. Per Michigan State Travel Policy, all reimbursements will be processed after the workshop and no later than September 1, 2013. Workshop participants are free to book the economy class itineraries of their choosing, but are asked to keep in the mind that the workshop cannot guarantee reimbursement for airfares in excess of $400, and that the cheaper their airfare, the more money will be available to assist long-haul travelers with inherently high airfare costs.
Reimbursement Procedures for those Driving
Accepted, domestic workshop participants wishing to drive will be reimbursed at a mileage rate of $0.565/mi and provided with two days of parking at the Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel (a $32 value). Those wishing to be reimbursed for mileage expenses should email their home address, the total roundtrip mileage, and a Mapquest or Google maps set of directions backing up their mileage claims to for reimbursement processing as soon as possible and no later than August 1, 2013. The workshop will pay up to the first $400 in mileage expenses. Mileage expenses in excess of $400 are the responsibility of the workshop participant. Per Michigan State Travel Policy, all reimbursements will be processed after the workshop and no later than September 1, 2013.
Reimbursement Procedures for those Taking Mass Transit
Accepted, domestic workshop
participants living in the greater Metro-DC area and taking mass transit to the workshop should submit receipts for these expenses and their home address to for reimbursement processing no later than August 1, 2013. Per Michigan State Travel Policy, all reimbursements will be processed after the workshop and no later than September 1, 2013.